2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 3 Travel journal learning about language课时作业
2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 3 Travel journal learning about language课时作业第2页

  C.It was hard to name the disease.

  D.Its surgeries were hard to perform.

  3.Why was the woman driver in tears when leaving?

  A.Because she knew the girl had run out of time.

  B.Because she had sympathy for the family's misfortune.

  C.Because the family promised to pray for her.

  D.Because there were veins on the little girl's face.

  4.What's the best title for this passage?

  A.An Irish Angel in New York

  B.An Adventure in New York

  C.An Angel of Roosevelt Hospital

  D.An Unforgettable Cab Ride


  长难句分析:It had taken months before we finally had a name for the disorder, vein of Galen malformation,but we were told only a handful of specialists in the world were qualified to perform the precise surgeries.(第二段倒数第二句)


  词汇积累:frustrated adj.沮丧的,绝望的

  precise adj.精准的 a handful of一小部分,少量的

  1.C 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的"trying to stop a cab"及第二段第一句"Frustrated and wet,my husband gave up his attempt to flag down a cab."可知,他们在街头努力打一辆出租车。故选C。

  2.D 细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句中的"but we were told only a handful of specialists in the world were qualified to perform the precise surgeries"可知,治疗Katie的病的手术很难做。故选D。

  3.B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段第二、三句"The woman hugged me and I noticed her face was wet with tears in worry.She promised to pray for us before she left."可推知,这位女司机了解了孩子的病情后,对这一家人的不幸遭遇表示同情。故选B。

4.A 标题概括题。纵观全文,从开头描写在纽约街头作者一家拦车无果到最后孩子的得救,中间的一个核心人物就是素不相识的爱尔兰女人。在作者夫妇眼中,这个女人就是他们的天使。故"纽约的爱尔兰天使"符合题意。故选A。