吉林省乾安县第七中学2018-2019学年高二下学期第一次质量检测英语试卷 Word版含答案
吉林省乾安县第七中学2018-2019学年高二下学期第一次质量检测英语试卷 Word版含答案第4页

 A. 3AM on Wednesday, April 3, 2019. B. 4PM on Saturday, April 6, 2019.

C. 9AM on November 20, 2019. D. 4PM on Christmas Day.

23. Which of the following people can enjoy the 50%-off discount?

A. A hospital doctor. B. A school teacher. C. An ACM member. D. A school student.

Farmers are increasingly using high-tech tools to lower their costs, increase the amount of crops they grow and add to their profits. But they are not just using high-tech machines. They also employ services that gather information about their farms to improve their businesses.

Shelley Finfrock and her husband use technology to operate their large farm with just their son and one employee. But Mrs Finfrock says technology cannot control everything. "Weather is probably the most important thing, and the most uncontrollable thing," Finfrock said. She says weather affects every part of a farm, including the soil, animals that eat the crops and crop production. She says all these affect profit.

The soil in the field near their farm house looks and sounds dry. But below the surface, it has enough water to allow corn seeds to grow. The amount of rain that falls can differ greatly from field to field on the farm.

The Finfrocks farm in five counties, checking water levels and other conditions on such a large spread can take a lot of travel time. So for the past year, Mrs Finfrock has been testing an online service called Climate Basic. The service sends her a text message very early in the morning. It tells her how much rain fell on her farm in the past 24 hours. She says the service has worked so far.

Tristan D'Orgeval works at Climate Corporation, which developed the Climate Basic program. "We are dealing every day with more than 10 million points for precipitation (降水量), updated on an hourly basis," D'Orgeval said.

Climate Corporation showed a more complex program this year called Climate Pro. It hopes the program will help farmers decide what to plant, and when to use chemicals that improve growth and kill insects. The program will even tell them how much money they might make.

24. According to Mrs Finfrock, which of the following would NOT directly affect profit?

A. weather. B. Crop production. C. Animals that eat the crops. D. Soil.

25. What can we learn about Climate Basic from the text?

A. It sends users text messages every evening.

B. It hasn't been put on the market yet.

C. It can predict rainfall over the next 24 hours.

D. It belongs to a kind of online service.

26.According to the last paragraph, the program, Climate Pro, will _________.