【302edu解析】江西省景德镇市2018-2019学年高二上学期期中质量检测英语试题 Word版含解析
【302edu解析】江西省景德镇市2018-2019学年高二上学期期中质量检测英语试题 Word版含解析第2页

A、Blue. B、Black. C、Purple.


8、How much money does the woman need?

A、$200. B、$300. C、$500.

9、Where does the conversation take place?

A、At a bank. B、At an office. C、At a car repair shop.


10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A、Classmates. B、Roommates. C、Brother and sister.

11、What was the man planning to do today?

A、Go to the beach. B、 Visit some friends. C、Watch a volleyball game.

12、What will the speakers do for dinner?

A、Order pizzas. B、Eat at a restaurant. C、Cook dishes by themselves.


13、Which room did the speakers first see?

A、The bathroom. B、The dining room. C、The living room.

14、What will the woman's husband especially like about the kitchen?

A、The big table. B、The dishwasher. C、The microwave.

15、What will there be in the second bedroom?

A、New carpet. B、Office supplies. C、Music equipment.

16、What does the woman think of the apartment?

A、It's small. B、It's nice. C、It's old.


17、Who is the speaker probably talking to?

A、Students. B、Teachers. C、Professional cyclists.

18、Who joins in bike races?

A、Ms. Krupp. B、Principal Dave. C、Mr. Eng.

19、What will happen on Fridays in April?

A、Math classes will start at 10:00.

B、There will be biking competitions.