2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 4 Sharing Using language课时作业(2)
2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 4 Sharing Using language课时作业(2)第5页

 D.4321, The History of Wolves and Elmet were of the same significance as Exit West

4.What gave Saunders the inspiration to write the novel Lincoln in the Bardo?

 A.The experience of travelling in Washington D.C.

 B.To lead himself to his own higher ground.

 C.To go into the hearts of darkness and to suggest possible routes out.

 D.His wife's description of Lincoln holding his son's body.

5.According to the last paragraph, which one of the following statements is true?

 A.Lincoln in the Bardo is Saunders' first writing.

 B.Saunders won four National Magazine Awards for novels.

 C.Zadie Smith thinks highly of Saunders.

 D.Saunders is only known for his short stories.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 

  There are many heartbreaking moments in this beautifully written book,Letter to Louis,by Alison White, but the first comes before it even begins. In the devotion to her son Louis, author Alison White says how she wanted to write it so that people would understand the disability and caring, but also, "to be totally honest, I wanted to write something that would make people consider being Louis's friend".Beneath that simple plea (恳求) lies the great fear of so many parents who nurse a severely disabled child through to adulthood: "What will happen when I'm gone?" Instead of giving a vivid account of the fear and anxieties that accompany long-term caring, she just tells us what it's like, and it is equally admirable, uplifting, terrifying.

As a society, we are fond of praising short-term heroism: the soldier or firefighter, bravery containable within a single story. The uncomfortable truth that Letter to Louis lays bare is that the heroism of long-term toughness, the daily caring over many years, is neither great nor interesting.At times, with two other children to care for and Louis waking five times a night, still undiagnosed and in constant pain,