2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero language points课时作业 (3)
2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero language points课时作业 (3)第3页

  red in the__14__,then he'd walk away and leave me,ashamed and embarrassed,to__15__it or learn from it.

  When my own children came along he wasn't__16__to tell me how he thought I should__17__them.Then he would shrug and back away with the words,"But it's your__18__."

  Now,I'm a husband,a father,and a grandfather.I was all of that before Dad died.I like to think,in our time together,he'd__19__me all he could about being a__20__man like him.

  From that point on it was all up to me...so he stepped away.

  语篇解读 作者通过自身的经历回顾了父亲在他成长过程中对他性格塑造起决定性影响的事件。

  1.A.confidence B.patience

  C.danger D.anger

  解析: 与本空前后的frustration和tears构成并列:父亲的离世让作者感到很不快(anger)。

  答案: D

  2.A.weak B.wounded

  C.gone D.sick

  答案: C

  3.A.meant B.announced

  C.reported D.proved

  解析: 文章首句提示了这里指父亲去世(gone)后,作者要挑起家庭的重担,这意味着(meant)作者需要成熟起来。

  答案: A

  4.A.once B.still

  C.always D.already

  解析: 根据下文内容可知,在作者的一生中,父亲总是(always)退后一步,即:让作者学会独立。

  答案: C

  5.A.reaching out B.moving forward

  C.setting off D.getting up

  解析: 父亲这样做是为了放手让作者不断前进(moving forward)。

  答案: B

6.A.accepted B.invited