2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Using language课时作业 (7)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 3 Inventors and inventions  Using language课时作业 (7)第3页


  3.In the opinion of Dr. Kwan, in the future ________.

  A.humans will have to live in the darkness

  B.humans will keep growing in height

  C.humans will have a larger forehead

  D.humans will be more sensitive to UV rays

  解析:选C 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的信息"He believes that humans might have a larger forehead"可知,他认为人类的前额会变大。

  4.The writer's attitude towards Dr. Kwan's predictions was ________.

  A.neutral       B.disapproving

  C.supportive D.doubtful

  解析:选A 观点态度题。根据倒数第二段"But these predictions are just predictions ...what our future family members will look like."可知,作者对于这种理论持中立的态度。


  When you feel disappointed, you should know it is natural and normal, and everyone will experience it to some extent in their life. Sometimes life deals us a difficult hand, and events and trials arise that we have no control over. Other times it is our own actions themselves that cause our trials. Regardless of the nature of our trials, disappointment is part of life's journey and how we deal with it will largely determine the quality of our life. Here are some steps to help us to make our journey more enjoyable.

  Firstly, redefine our rules. It is assumed that everyone has an internal "rule" in their mind. If our internal rules are too perfect, then they will discourage us greatly. For example, if we have a rule that says we need to be perfect, it is likely that we will spend a large amount of time feeling sad and disappointed. So when we feel disappointed, it is wise to review and redefine our rules. Want an example of an encouraging rule? Try this one: I am happy and I am successful since I have made my greatest efforts.

Secondly, remind ourselves now and then of the reasons why we are seeking the very goal. As a matter of fact, there are many cases where we have forgotten our original purposes along the way. So it is of great help to remember