2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 2 Cloning Language points课时作业 (10)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 2 Cloning Language points课时作业 (10)第2页

  解析:选A 句意:"珍妮今天早上发高烧住院了。""真的吗?我今天晚上去看她。"be admitted to hospital意为"住院",固定用法,符合语境。submit意为"提交,服从";distribute 意为"分发";sentence意为"判决,宣判"。

  5.The girl had another ________ at applying for the position, and finally she was admitted into the company.

  A.chance B.go

  C.fortune D.effort

  解析:选B 根据题干的后半部分"她最后被该公司录用"可知,其前半部分表示"这个女孩又尝试了一次"。chance"机会";go"试一试";fortune"运气";effort"努力"。故选B。

  6.-How was your trip to the Changbai Mountains?

  -Fantastic! One splendid mountain ________ followed another when I was on the train.

  A.view B.glimpse

  C.glance D.scenery

  解析:选A 答句句意:美极了!我在火车上时,美丽的山景不断地呈现在我的眼前。view在此处指从火车车窗看到的景色。scenery作"风景"解时,为不可数名词。

  7.It was really ________ that rubbish was piled everywhere.

  A.interesting B.disgusting

  C.interrupting D.disturbing

  解析:选B 句意:垃圾堆得到处都是,真是很令人厌恶。interesting"有趣的";disgusting"令人厌恶的,恶心的";interrupting是interrupt的现在分词形式;disturbing"令人不安的"。根据句意可知选B。

  8.Many young men decided to ________ buying a house because of high price.

  A.insist B.abandon

  C.imagine D.absorb

  解析:选B 句意:由于房价高,很多年轻人决定放弃购房。根据语境可知abandon"放弃,中止"正确。insist意为"坚持";imagine意为"想象";absorb意为"吸收,理解"。

  9.The city was________ with the town hall on a hill in its centre.

A.made out B.got out