2018--2019学年人教版选修八unit 5 meeting your ancestors reading课时作业 (7)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八unit 5 meeting your ancestors reading课时作业 (7)第2页

  1.解析:选E 空处承接上一句引入本文的主题"爱与喜欢的不同",并与下文构成转折关系,故E项"对年轻人来说,知道喜欢与爱的不同是共同的任务"符合语境。

  2.解析:选A 选项A中的"each case"指代上文中的"loves her best friend, her husband and her son",再由下文中的"The same goes for the word 'like'"和"but you don't like them in the same way"可以推断出,此处要表达的是:尽管每种情形中所用的动词是一样的,但其含义不同。故A项符合语境。

  3.解析:选F 选项F中的"the term"指代上文中的"like",并且上下文都重现了"use"一词,本段用相同的句式结构说明人们用"like"描述不同的情感,故F项符合语境。

  4.解析:选G 选项G中的"these three components"指代上文中的"passion, intimacy (亲密) and commitment",其中的"Love"也与上文中的"Loving" "love"相呼应,故G项符合语境。

  5.解析:选D 选项D中的"The change from like to love"与本段的小标题"From like to love"及下文中的"the transition (转变) from liking to loving"相对应,说明从喜欢到爱的转变会使人困惑,为下文作铺垫,故D项符合语境。

II. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  Success brings with it a sense of achievement and satisfaction for having done your work well. It __1__ to happiness, confidence in your abilities and a feeling of pride. But you should be ____ that success does not go to your head.

Mother Teresa is a __3__ example. From the age of eighteen she worked in Calcutta to help poor people. She raised abandoned babies and tried to __4__ them back to health. She built homes for children, the handicapped (残疾人) and the old and __5__ the Missionaries of Charity. She told us to be __6__ in small things because it is in them that your strength __7__. Her outstanding work was eventually __8__ and she received the Noble Peace Prize in 1979. Her first words after receiving the prize were, "__9__ , I am unworthy." She accepted the prize and __10__ her work as before. Her motto and deeds not only change many people's lives but also __11__ generation after generation. It is often very difficult to __12__ modest after achieving success, __13__ when other people praise you. If others tell you that you are the best swimmer in the university, do not __14__ believe what they may say. Tell yourself that there may be others who are better at