2019-2020学年人教版选修六Unit 1 Art Grammar课时作业 (1)
2019-2020学年人教版选修六Unit 1 Art Grammar课时作业 (1)第2页


  Justin,who lives in Malawi,is only 14,but since he lost his parents to AIDS,he has had to look after his 10­year­old brother and 9­year­old sister."The main problem we have without our parents is finding food,"he says.Without parents or guardians,Justin had to drop out of school to earn a living,carrying food for merchants so he and his brother and sister could have enough to eat.

  You do not have to be an orphan(孤儿) to experience many of the problems orphans have.But orphaned children may be particularly vulnerable(易受伤害的) because they often have no one to look after them.

  For example,children whose parents have died of AIDS,whether or not they are themselves infected with HIV,may be shunned or badly treated because of fear of HIV and AIDS and ignorance(无知) about how HIV is spread.

  Many orphans have to drop out of school so that they can earn money to survive and look after younger brothers and sisters.And many orphans may have nowhere to live and so may be forced to live on the streets.Children living on the streets are also more at risk of becoming involved with drugs and crime.

  Orphans who do have someone to look after them may still be vulnerable.They may be exploited (剥削) or treated badly by the adults who are supposed to be caring for them or by others who take advantage of the fact that they do not have their own parents to protect them.

  And orphans are not the only children who are suffering as a result of the HIV and AIDS epidemic.Almost three million children,not all of whom are orphans,are themselves living with HIV.Millions more have to care for sick parents as well as their younger brothers and sisters,or have lost loved ones and teachers.

  1.What do we know about Justin?

  A.He misses his parents very much.

  B.He is unwilling to go to school.

  C.He wants to make money as a merchant.

  D.It's difficult for him to get enough food for his brother and sister.

【解析】 从第一段的"The main problem we have without our parents is finding food..."可知找到足够的食物对他来说是很困难的,因此选D项。