《302edu发布》江苏省南京市六校联合体2018-2019学年高二下学期期末联考试题 英语 Word版含答案(含听力)
《302edu发布》江苏省南京市六校联合体2018-2019学年高二下学期期末联考试题 英语 Word版含答案(含听力)第2页


6. How does the woman pay?

A.In cash. B. By card. C. By cheque.

7.How much tip does the woman give?

A.$23. B. $27. C. $50.


8. What did the woman do on the weekend?

A.She went skiing. B. She saw a movie. C. She did some cleaning.

9. What does the man think of his weekend?

A. Exciting. B.Boring. C. Tiring.


10. What Could the man most likely be?

A.An artist. B. An architect. C. An athlete.

11. What is one of the advantages of the new stadium?

A.It has first-class sports facilities,

B. It can hold 8,000 people.

C.It allows matches to go on in bad weather.

12. What difficulty is the man experiencing now?

A.Cutting down expenses. B. Meeting the deadline.C. Looking for materials.


13. Why can the busiest people do urgent things?

A.They have more time. B. They are better organized. C. They act more quickly.

14. What is the woman's advice on the housework?

A. Finish them at once.

B. Think about them until they're finished.

C. Put them off until a time people want to do them.

15. How does the woman think people can organize their time?

A. By listing everything they want to do.

B. By making a list of their housework.

C. By writing down the urgent things.