2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 3 Inventors and inventions Using language课时作业 (9)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 3 Inventors and inventions  Using language课时作业 (9)第2页

  6.It is ________ that such a short player should play basketball so well.

  A.amazing B.amazed

  C.amazingly D.amazedly

  解析:选A 句意:一个如此矮的运动员竟然能把篮球打得如此好,真令人吃惊。连系动词be后应接形容词作表语,因此排除C、D两项;amazing"(物)令人吃惊的";amazed"(人)感到吃惊的"。

  7.The new plan for traffic control is being ________ action on an experimental basis.

  A.put off B.put aside

  C.put on D.put into

  解析:选D 句意:新的交通管理方案正在以实验为基础而被实施。由语境可知"交通管理方案正在被实施(put into action)"。put off"推迟";put aside"放在一边";put on"穿上,上演"。

  8.Nowadays people can get lots of information by using a computer connected ________ the Internet.

  A.to B.in

  C.for D.on

  解析:选A 句意:现在人们能通过连接到互联网上的电脑得到大量的信息。connect ... to ..."把......连接到......上",是固定搭配,故选A项。

  9.We were required to finish reading a long passage within five minutes and the many new words in it ________ our difficulty.

  A.added up B.added to

  C.added up to D.added in

  解析:选B 句意:我们被要求在五分钟内阅读完一篇长篇文章,里面的很多生词增加了我们的困难。add up"把......相加";add to"增添,增加";add up to"合计为,加起来是";add in"加入,插入"。由句中的关键信息new words以及our difficulty可知"生词增添了我们的阅读困难"。故选B项。

  10.Bob looked back only to find an old classmate, whose name ________ him for the moment.

  A.escaped B.missed

  C.forgot D.passed

  解析:选A 句意:鲍勃回头一看,结果却发现了一位老同学,其名字他一下子想不起来了。escape作为及物动词有"被忘掉,没被注意到"的意思。

