2019学年度人教版必修四Unit 3A taste of English humor Section Ⅲ Learning about Language (9页word版)
2019学年度人教版必修四Unit 3A taste of English humor Section Ⅲ Learning about Language (9页word版)第2页

  5.(2013·唐山高一检测)When Lily saw the monkeys playingin thetrees,sheburst____________ laughter.

   A.in B.into

   C.out D.out of

  解析:句意为:当莉莉看到猴子在树上嬉戏时,突然笑了起来。"burst into+名词"表示"突然......起来"。


  6. People in town reacted in different ways____________ the news:some got angry,but others were wild with joy.

   A.with B.to

  C.against D.for

  解析:react to表示"对......作出反应"。


  7.He was in hospital for six months.He felt as if he was____________from the outside world.

  A.cut out B.cut off

  C.cut up D.cut through

  解析:句意为:他住院半年,感觉仿佛与世隔绝了一般。cut sb.off from表示"切断某人与......的联系"或"使某人与......隔绝",选择此项正好与上文吻合,而其他三个选项均与题意不符。


  8.-Is there any____________for his being late?

  -I think he missed the early bus.

  A.gesture B.explanation

   C.humour D.regret



9.The woman fell in love with the man____________she was introduced to him.So she quickly agreed to marry him.