
 survey your class at school, you probably will find a higher rate (比率).

○3Bicycles became popular because they are fun for people and at the same time help develop a strong body.

○4No vehicle is better than a bicycle for enjoying an autumn weekend outside the city with parents or friends. You can travel on small, quiet paths. You can also park your bicycle near the path wherever you want to stop to admire the beauty.

○5Riding a bike every day helps people build healthier hearts and stronger muscles. Scientists say a 30-minute ride every day can help you lose weight.

○6Today, bicycles are also popular with city planners. They see bicycles as a good way to reduce (减少) heavy traffic. Unlike buses, bicycles produce no exhaust (废气) and don't need energy. Many countries are encouraging(鼓励) more daily use of bicycles.

1. According to the passage, how many students in your class probably go to school by bicycle? ( Suppose(假设)there are 50 students in your class.)

  A. About 20. B. About 30. C. about25. D. About 15.

2. Which difference between bicycles and buses is not mentioned(提到)in the passage?

  A. Buses run faster than bicycles. B. Buses are usually crowded.

  C. Buses make exhaust. D. Buses need energy.

3. The following paragraph is from the article above. It goes after_______________.

South Korea hopes a 10 percent increase in using bicycles by 2013. They say that could cut the cost of oil by US$1.4 billion(十亿) during that period.

  A. Paragraph○1. B. Paragraph○2. C. Paragraph○5. D. Paragraph○6.

4. City planners like bicycles because___________.

A. bicycles help build a strong body B. using bicycles can help save money

C. Riding a bike can help build healthier hearts and stronger muscles

D. Using bicycles is a good way to reduce heavy traffic.

5. Which of the following things is a vehicle? A. A train B. A chair C. An orange D. A television


study, do, can, cold, for, never, too, good, take, camp

My cousin, Fred,from the city, is coming to visit me next week. He is staying 1______three weeks. He lives 500km from me, so I 2_____see him very often. I am making plans for his visit. We're going 3______ together(一起)in the mountains near my home. He 4_______ goes camping, because he lives in the city. He usually 5______every morning, but he sometimes visits an Internet cafe to chat (闲聊) with his friends. It's near his house and it only 6______ five minutes by bus. Because I live in the country, there aren't any Internet cafes near me. But I am lucky(幸运的). I have a computer in my room. We 7____play computer games if the weather is bad. I hope he is 8_____ when he comes. When he visits, he always has a 9_____and a cough. When he leaves, I usually have a cold, 10_____.


1. - Surprise? You mean Li Qi is your favorite singer in the latest voice of China?

- Yes, he sings really b_______. I can't think of anyone with a better voice.

2. - What are your r ____ of the exams, Amy? - I got four A's.