河北省涿鹿县北晨学校2017-2018学年高一上学期英语晚练18 Word版含答案
河北省涿鹿县北晨学校2017-2018学年高一上学期英语晚练18 Word版含答案第2页

 5.Mistletoe(槲寄生)Leaves Are Placed Under Pillow to Find Husband-Ireland

The single women of Ireland wait desperately for New Year's Eve because it is the night that can bring them the love of their lives.They place mistletoe leaves under their pillow hoping to catch their future husband.It is also believed in the Irish culture that this act will help them get rid of bad luck.

The world is a large and very different place.Yes, people of all nations may celebrate New Year's Day much differently around the world, with different traditions, but there are a lot of general themes to be seen.We all want to start a new, fresh year with renewed enthusiasm and hope no matter what happened during the past year.We all want to be happier, find love, renew friendships,increase our wealth and also hope for a little extra luck in the coming new year.

21.When New Year's Day is coming, people always celebrate it in many ways EXCEPT .

A.sharing the time with their lovers

B.getting together with their families

C.setting the ball drop

D.enjoying drinks with their friends

22.What can you learn when you are paying a visiting to Mexico during New Year's Day?

A. It's commonly believed that the dead have spirits and souls living around.

B.It's New Year's Day that Mexicans consider the best time to talk to spirits.

C.You'd better talk to your ancestors just at home secretly, or you'll break the law.

D.You can ask for help free when you want to talk to the dead.

23.The single women of Ireland always hoping to catch their future husband on New Year's Eve.

A.wear polka dots

B.burn scarecrow dummy

C.break dishes on neighbor's door

D.place mistletoe leaves under their pillow

24.What can you conclude according to the passage?

A.No matter how we celebrate New Year, we have the only theme-increasing our wealth.

B.Celebrating New Year's Day means looking forward to a happier and better coming year.