2017--2018学年人教版必修一Unit 4 earthquakes grammar 课时作业
2017--2018学年人教版必修一Unit 4 earthquakes grammar 课时作业第3页

  6.She sat beside the door quietly, into the distance.


  7.What the book so popular is the creative imagination of the writer.


  8. he could work out the difficult problem by himself is still unknown.


  9.There are many stars in the sky that it is impossible to count them.


  10. one of you breaks the window will have to pay for it.



  In July 1994 Jupiter,the largest planet in our solar system,was struck by 21 pieces of comet(彗星).When the fragments(碎片)landed in the southern part of the giant planet,the explosions were watched by scientists here on earth.But what if our own planet was hit by a comet?


The year is 2094.It has been announced that a comet is heading towards the earth.Most of it will miss our planet,but two fragments will probably hit the southern part of the earth.The news has