吉林省通化县一中2018-2019学年下学期高一期中考试卷 英语 Word版含答案
吉林省通化县一中2018-2019学年下学期高一期中考试卷 英语 Word版含答案第2页

is the first to bear the effect and result of it. "Always bending your head to check your cell phone could damage your neck," Guangming Daily quoted doctors' words. "The neck is like a rope that breaks after long-term stretching." Also, staring at cell phones for a long time will damage your eyesight gradually, according to the report.

  But that's not all. Being a phubber could also damage your social skills and drive you away from your friends and family. When getting together with family or friends, many people prefer to play their cell phones while others are chatting happily with each other and this creates a strange atmosphere, Qilu Evening News reported.

  It can also cost your life. There have been lots of reports on phubbers who fell to their death, suffered accidents, and were robbed of their cell phones in broad daylight.

  24. Why does the author give the example of a cartoon in Paragraph 2?

  A. To suggest phubbers will destroy the world.

  B. To call for people to go walking without phones.

  C. To tell people of the bad effects of phubbing.

  D. To advise students to create more cartoons like this.

  25. According to the passage, what risks may a phubber have?

  ①Destructing the world.

  ②Affecting his social skills.

  ③Damaging his neck and eyesight.

  ④Getting separated from his friends and family.

  A. ①②④ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②③④

  26. What's the author's attitude towards phubbing?

  A. Supportive. B. Confident. C. Disapproving. D. Optimistic.

  27. What will be talked about in the following paragraph?

  A. Ways to avoid the risks of phubbing. B. Bad effects of pudding.

  C. Daily life of phubbers. D. Methods of phubbing.

  Australia is a developed country and the future of its solar industry is looking bright after a record 3.5m panels(嵌板) were installed on rooftops last year, giving the equal output of a medium-sized coal-fired power station. The record 1,057 MW of capacity(生产能力) in small-scale systems installed across the country broke the previous record set in 2012, figures from the Clean Energy Regulator showed on Tuesday.

  Australia's solar power prosperity could almost double capacity in a year. The data also revealed that the average system size has also doubled since then from three to six kilowatts as average prices continued to fall. A fully installed 5KW system costs an average of $5,930 in Australia, according to the energy broker Solarchoice. net. au. Its records show that the price has roughly halved in many capital cities since 2012.

  The regulator's executive general manager, Mark Williamson, said there was increasing interest in renewals as a way to take control of electricity bills. But more importantly, he said it was also good news for reducing carbon emissions.

  "We are seeing a wide cross-section of Australians-households, community centers, schools, and small businesses-receiving rewards under the small-scale renewable energy scheme," Williamson said. "Our data shows consumers are embracing renewable energy to take control of their electricity bills."

  In 2017, there was a 41% increase in installing renewable energy capacity across all states and territories compared to 2016. Queensland led the way with installed capacity at 295MW, with the Australian Capital Territory taking top place for the biggest annual increase by 57%. "The data collected by the Clean Energy Regulator in 2017 reflects the industry is going from strength to strength. It looks like 2018 will be another big year for the solar industry."

  The total of installed capacity for last year is expected to rise to 1,070MW when all the data is collected. A large coal-fired power station such as Loyd Yang A in Victoria's Latrobe Valley has a capacity of 2,200MW.

  28. What do we know about the Australia's solar industry from the first paragraph?

  A. It's still risky. B. It's promising.

  C. It's unpredictable. D. It's within expectation.

  29. What's the reason for the Australia's solar industry's development?

  A. The entire decrease of the carbon emissions.

  B. The autonomous control of the electricity bills.

  C. The doubt about the capacity of coal-fired power station.

  D. The continuous fall of the average price of installing a solar energy system.

  30. What does the underlined phrase "from strength to strength" in Paragraph 5 suggest?

  A. Australia's solar industry is being accepted.

B. Australia's solar industry is developing rapidly.