2018--2019学年人教版必修一unit 1 friendship Language points课时作业 (10)
2018--2019学年人教版必修一unit 1 friendship Language points课时作业 (10)第3页

  why my aunt__8__to make things so difficult for me.Now,after studying English at university for three years,I__9__that monolingual dictionaries are__10__in learning a foreign language.

  As I found out,there is__11__often no perfect equivalence(对应) between two__12__in two languages.My aunt even goes so far as to__13__that a Chinese "equivalent" can never give you the__14__meaning of a word in English!__15__,she insisted that I read the definition(定义) of a word in a monolingual dictionary__16__I wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning.__17__,I have come to see what she meant.

  Using a monolingual dictionary for learners has helped me in another important way.This dictionary uses a(n)__18__number of words,around 2,000,in its definitions.When I read these definitions,I am__19__exposed to(接触)the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas.__20__this,I can express myself more easily in English.

1.A.worried        B.sad

C.surprised D.nervous

C 解析:通读全文可知,作者是一个中国大学生,中国人学英语,尤其是初学者习惯使用英汉词典。当作者看到英英词典的时候,他感到"吃惊"。

2.A.Because B.Although

C.Unless D.If

B 解析:前后两句在意义上是让步关系,所以用although引导让步状语从句。而because引导原因状语从句;unless和if引导条件状语从句。

3.A.but B.so

C.or D.and

A 解析:此空处是一个并列连词,连接前后两句。而前后两句之间存在的是转折关系,所以用but。

4.A.difficult B.interesting

C.ambiguous D.practical

A 解析:最初用英英词典,不习惯,所以作者感觉用起来很"难(difficult)"。interesting是"有趣味的",根据下文not fully understand the meaning不可能是这个答案;ambiguous是"不明确的";practical是"实用的",这两个词也不符合语境。

5.A.thus B.even

C.still D.again

C 解析:句子中有否定词not,有副词fully,所以用still,表示"仍然不能够完全"的意思。

6.A.new B.familiar

C.earlier D.ordinary