2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 2 Working the land using language课时作业 (7)
2018--2019学年人教版必修四Unit 2 Working the land using language课时作业 (7)第3页

  for him.

  When Tallady realized that the nice guy she'd been waving at was her son, she sobbed (抽噎). She'd always hoped to meet her birth son one day. Later that day, mother and son talked for almost three hours at a nearby bar. She'd given him up for adoption in 1985, when she was unmarried. "I wasn't ready to be a mother," she told him.

  Married with two other children, Tallady says, "I have a complete family now."


  4.What does the underlined phrase "track down" in the first paragraph mean?

  A.Follow.         B.Forgive.

  C.Give up. D.Look for.

  解析:选D 短语猜测题。根据短语所在的上下文以及整篇文章可推断出"track down"在这里是"寻找"的意思,所以D项正确。

  5.At the very beginning, Flaig knew nothing about his birth mother but her ________.

  A.job B.address

  C.name D.appearance

  解析:选C 细节理解题。由第一段中的"The agency from which he'd been adopted gave him his mother's name: Christine Tallady."可知,最初Flaig只知道亲生母亲的名字,所以C项正确。

  6.How did Tallady feel when she met her birth son, Flaig, on that day?

  A.Excited. B.Sad.

  C.Calm. D.Angry.

  解析:选A 推理判断题。由文章第六段中提到的Tallady抽噎及她与Flaig几乎三小时的长谈可以推断出她与儿子相见时很激动,所以A项正确。

  7.When Tallady gave Flaig up for adoption, she was ________.

  A.45 B.33

  C.23 D.22

  解析:选C 数字计算题。第四段中提到Tallady在2007年时45岁,第六段提到她1985年把孩子交给别人领养,由此可以推断出她当时23岁,所以C项正确。


While growing up, children undergo a growth spurt. They gain approximately 20% of their adult height, and about 50% of their adult weight during the adolescence period. The