《302edu发布》重庆市第一中学2018-2019学年高一上学期期中考试 英语 Word版含答案(含听力)
《302edu发布》重庆市第一中学2018-2019学年高一上学期期中考试 英语 Word版含答案(含听力)第2页


Text 1

W: Could you take me to the railway station? (1) I need to catch a train at 11:45.

M: Sure, but that's quite soon. We should hurry. Are those two suitcases yours?

Text 2

W: Hello, is this Steve? I'm stuck in a traffic jam. (2) I'm afraid I won't be able to get to the movie theater before seven o'clock.

M: It's OK. I'll be here waiting for you.

Text 3

W: What time does the film start?

M: Well, we can go at 5:30 or 8:30.

W: I've got to be home by ten o'clock, so half past eight is too late.

M: OK. It's only half past four now. We can go at half past five. (3)

Text 4 (总结题)

M: Hey, Alice, I like your necklace.

W: Thanks! It's a birthday gift from my daughter. I think it was quite expensive.

M: Well, it's beautiful. Your daughter has good taste.

Text 5

M: Wasn't it your birthday last Sunday? Did you go out for a meal?

W: Usually I do, but this year some friends invited me out for a boat ride on the river. (5) It was really fun! It was so much better than spending the day shopping.

Text 6

W: Yesterday's meeting was so boring. (6) It just went on and on.

M: Really?

W: Yeah. The president kept talking so much. I thought he'd never stop!

M: Why didn't the vice president interrupt him?

W: She tried to, but he just ignored her.

M: Well, what was he going on about?

W: Us, actually - about how lazy and hopeless we are! (7)

M: Really?! And I thought he liked us.

Text 7

M: Hi, Sarah. Nice to see you. How is everything going with you?

W: So far, so good. Last week, I went to a cookout for new professors at Dean Barksdale's home. I took a taxi because I didn't want to be late. (8) But I was the first one there. It was a bit embarrassing.

M: Did you arrive too early?

W: Yeah. The invitation said "two to seven". I was there at two o'clock, but most people didn't arrive until three or four. They didn't start cooking until five o'clock. (9)

M: Cookouts usually start slowly. A two o'clock start means you can arrive anytime after two.

W: Yeah, now I know!

Text 8

M: Hey, Anna! What did you buy at the market yesterday?