《302edu发布》安徽省A10联盟2019届高三最后一卷 英语 扫描版含答案(含听力)
《302edu发布》安徽省A10联盟2019届高三最后一卷  英语  扫描版含答案(含听力)第3页

53. B。"简采取了我的这个做法(提议)。"practice: (惯常的)行为,做法。

54. D。"让她感到意外的是,第一天就贴上了15条。"

55. C。"此外,卡尔和乔伊也感到振奋,也想参与其中。"

56. A。"这是一个鼓励(激励)他们的机会。"

57. B。"意识到这一点,一旦他们做对了事,简就及时表扬他们......"catch:及时赶上,赶上。

58. D。"几个月后,我跟简联系了解一下事情的进展情况。" check in with sb.的本意为"向某人报到",实际就是:"与某人联系"的意思。

59. C。"她还告诉我她和那两个孩子的关系也得到了改善。"

60. A。"用表扬强化积极的行为,这种做法最终起了作用。"recognition:褒奖;表扬。


Text 1

W: Mr. Lee, whenever I see you, you are wearing a different tie.

M: That's the work of my wife. Whenever she went shopping, she bought a tie for me and a hat for herself.

W: Sounds interesting!

Text 2

M: What would you like to have, Susan?

W: Just some sliced tomatoes and a glass of juice.

M: How about some beef?

W: No, thanks. It's delicious, but I'm on a diet to control my weight.

Text 3

W: Susan speaks English almost as well as an American.

M: Don't you know she was born there and lived there until she was 12 years old?

W: Really? No wonder!

Text 4

W: What's the matter?

M: It's Tom. I don't know what to do. He just sits and watches TV all evening when he should be studying.

W: Yes. Every time I talk to him about his study he gets angry and shuts himself in his room.

M: We need to have a talk with him when he comes back.

Text 5

W: I gave one dollar to the children next door. They gave me a hand with my luggage.

M: You mean those living in Apartment 13-B?

W: No, they are in 33-B.

Text 6

W: Tom, my plane leaves at 3 o'clock this afternoon, so when will it be convenient for me to set off?

M: Let me think. If you leave straight after lunch, you'd better make it 1:30. That would be safe.

W: Thank you!

M: By the way, remember to call a taxi to the airport.

W: Oh, thanks a lot. I will make the phone call right now.

M: Another thing I want to remind you is about your hotel booking.

W: Oh, yes. I'm sure it's all right, but could you do me the favor to phone them to confirm it?

M: No problem.

Text 7

M: Excuse me. If it is possible, I'd like to change a table.

W: Sure, but could you tell me why?