河北省辛集一中2018-2019学年高二下学期返校考英语试卷 Word版含答案
河北省辛集一中2018-2019学年高二下学期返校考英语试卷 Word版含答案第2页

A.She's not hungry. B. She thinks it expensive. C. She doesn't like pizzas.

9.What will the speakers probably eat?

A.Some sandwiches. B.A pizza without onions. C.An ice-cream.


10.what does the man say about hot deserts?

A.They are hot all the time. B.They are dangerous to live in. C. The temperature is changeable.

11.what do deserts have in common?

A.They're dry. B.They're sandy. C.They're large.

12.what do we know about the desert animals?

A They live in groups. B.They live at the edges of deserts.

C They sleep in the day and come out at night.


13.What is the man doing?

A.Interviewing the woman. B. Planning for next term. C. Looking for a part-time job.

14.which place is in need of cleaners?

A.A business building. B. A middle school. C. A market.

15.What does the man think of the job in the Center Zoo?

A.The pay is good. B.The working hours are long. C. The task is challenging.

16.What does the man plan to do next term?

A.Work part-time. B. Become a guide in a zoo. C. Focus on his schoolwork.


17. What is the speaker?

A.A teacher. B. A hostess. C.A tour guide.

18.When does Hina Matsuri take place?

A. On March Ist. B. On March 3rd. C. On May 3rd

19.What is the idea of giving dolls to girls when they are born?

A. Offering them toys to play with. B. Teaching them to take care of dolls.

C. Telling them about traditional values.