2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 2 Cloning Language points课时作业 (3)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八Unit 2 Cloning Language points课时作业 (3)第5页

  C.His family moved from Portugal to the US.

  D.His family story has been made into a movie.

  解析:选B 细节理解题。由最后一段的第二句可知,由于Henry晚年的努力,他的家人重新团结起来了,而且关系也更亲近了。

  4.What message can Henry's story give us?

  A.Great minds think alike.

  B.Every coin has two sides.

  C.Practice makes perfect.

  D.One is never too old to learn.

  解析:选D 推理判断题。Henry 90多岁开始学习认字,最后出版了自己的作品并且受到好莱坞制片人的青睐。他的生活经历向我们传递了一个信息--活到老学到老。


  Your life is composed of all the little things we experience every day, and knowing how to find joy in some of those little things is one of the easiest ways to let happiness slowly fill your cup. In order for that to happen, you need to do two very simple things: put yourself in such situations that you can experience happiness there, and then find a way to savour the experience and let it sink into you.

  To put yourself in the position of experiencing happiness every day, Lahna Catalino, Ph.D., at the University of California, San Francisco, recommends an approach called "prioritizing positivity" - organizing your day­to­day life on purpose so that it contains situations which naturally give rise to positive emotions. It involves both carving out time in your daily routine to do things that you really love and heavily weighing the positive emotional consequences of major life decisions, like taking a new job, and you will regularly find yourself.

  Then how can we find a way to savour the happy experience and let it sink into you? Here is what psychologist Rick Hanson, the author of Buddha's Brain explains.

  Let a good fact become a good experience.

  Often we go through life and some good thing happens - a little thing, like we checked off an item on our To Do list, we survived another day at work, the flowers are blooming, and so forth. Hey, this is an opportunity to feel good. Don't leave money lying on the table: Recognize that this is an opportunity to let yourself truly feel good.

  Really enjoy this positive experience.

  Practice what any school teacher knows: If you want to help people learn something, make it as intense as possible - in this case, as felt in the body as possible - for as long as possible.

When sinking into this experience, sense your intention that this experience is sinking into you.