《302edu发布》江苏省南京市2018-2019学年高二上学期期末考试 英语 Word版含答案(含听力)
《302edu发布》江苏省南京市2018-2019学年高二上学期期末考试 英语 Word版含答案(含听力)第2页

A.He cannot sleep late every morning.

B.He is always recognized on the street.

C.He has to arrartge interviews with people.


8. What is good about the sunglasses?

A. They are the latest style. B. They have a guarantee.

C. They are the leading brand.

9. How much does the woman pay finally?

A. Sixty-five dollars. B. Fifty-five dollars. C. Fifty dollars.


10. What are the speakers doing?

A. Eating out. B. Preparing dinner. C.Ordering take-out.

11. Why do they choose Wong's?

A. It's quick. B. It's cheap! C. It's close.

12. What would the woman like to have?

A. Pizza. B. Chicken. C. Pork.


13. What is Jason supposed to do?

A. To pick up the minibus. B. To have the minibus fixed. C.To meet people at the airport.

14. What is true about Andy Jefferson?

A. He is tall and fat. B. He likes running.C. He is full of energy.

15.Which subject will Nancy Mather teach?

A.IT B. Mathematics. C. Industrial arts.

16. What is Dr. Keating like?

A. He is an average guy. B. He is middle-aged.C. He has black hair.


17. What does the speaker think of the Middle Ages?

A. They were the Dark Ages.

B. They were an interesting time.