2019-2020学年人教版必修二Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Language points课时作业 (5)
2019-2020学年人教版必修二Unit 4 Wildlife Protection Language points课时作业 (5)第2页

  B.The river near Canada.

  C.The Arctic Ocean.

  D.The South Pole.

  A [细节理解题。根据第一段中的"but there are especially more octopuses in warm,tropical waters."可知,在海南附近的海洋中能找到更多的章鱼。]

  2.What is a way for octopuses to communicate with each other?

  A.Using special signals.

  B.Making special sounds.

  C.Living together in a group.

  D.Changing their own colors.

  D [细节理解题。根据最后一段中的"Octopuses may also change color as a way to communicate with other octopuses."可知,章鱼通过改变颜色的方式与其他章鱼进行交流。]

  3.What do we know about octopuses?

  A.They just stay in deep ocean.

  B.They eat food by using their teeth.

  C.They don't like hunting large animals.

  D.They shoot an inky liquid to avoid dangers.

  D [细节理解题。根据最后一段第一句话可知,它们喷射出墨汁似的物质迷惑敌人,以避开危险。]


  In the Arctic Ocean waters live the social animals-belugas,which is also known as white whales.Highly intelligent,these whales use different sounds to communicate and find their way.Belugas are also among the smallest kinds of whales.

More than 210 belugas,including 31 in the United States,live in aquariums (水族馆) around the world.The Georgia Aquarium has asked for permission to bring 18 more