2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists language points课时作业
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists language points课时作业第3页

 A. as long as B. now that C. if D. in case

26. - Is he said _______ his car lost?

- Yes. He was so foolish _______ leave his car ______.

A. that ; that ; unlock B. to have had ; as to ; unlocked

C. to have ; to ; unlock D. to have; for him to ; unlocked

27. - Did you return the book to the library in time ?

- _______, or I wouldn't have been punished .

A. Yes, I did B. No, I didn't C. Yes , I do D. No, I don't

28. We all stood at the top of the hill ____east of the village , watching ____ burning sun rising .

A. / ; a B. the ; a C. the ; the D. / ; the

29. _______ her hair getting gray , she decided to have it dyed .

A. As B. For C. With D. Because

30. Our company has suffered a heavy loss and I wonder who will _______ the responsibility .

A. stand B. bear C. tolerate D. admit

31. - _________ you were so late this morning ?

- I forgot to set the alarm before going to be last night .

A. Why B. How about C. How D. How come

32. - What do you think of the color of my new blouse?

- Very good . You look nice in green . Green ____ you .

A. fits B. suits C. matches D. meets

33. Of the equipment we have produced , this sells best , for it has the advantage over _____ of working efficiently .

A. the others B. the rest C. others D. another

34. His eyes were red with crying . ______ , he loved his mother .

A. Apparently B. Unfortunately C. Eventually D. Honestly

35. I set off at five for the station . It was too early ______ anyone in the street.

A. to be B. for there wasn't C. having D. for there to be

36. Money, _________, does not bring happiness. After all , money is not everything .

A. such as B. as such C. and such D. such and such

37. The driver was at ____loss when ___word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding .

A. a; / B. a ; the C. the ; the D./; /

38. The higher labor cost in Europe , where more and more traditional manufacturing methods are employed, ________ for the higher purchase price.