2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 2 Robots learning about language课时作业(4)
2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 2 Robots learning about language课时作业(4)第3页

  entire house at once. I'll remember Dad's ____16____.

  Actually, the _____17_____ will always be, but special time with people you ___18___ can pass by quickly. So watch a show with your parents. Play a game with your kids. Take a long romantic walk with your ____19____. Each of them ____20____ a lot to you and they are more important than other things.

1.A. quickly B. calmly C. quietly D. proudly

2. A. book B. meal C cake D. hotel

3. A. report B. game C. journey D call

4. A. generous B busy C. unusual D. bored

5. A. come over B. give up C. slow down D. take up

6. A. clever B. right C. upset D. confident

7.A. realized B. forgot C. regretted D. rediscovered

8. A. promises B. offers C. tasks D. suggestions

9.A. Yet B. But C. So D. Or

10. A. work B. exist C. continue D. wait

11. A. choice B. favorite C. treasure D. character

12. A. glad B. awful C. unique D. responsible

13. A. because of B. instead of C. rather than D. except for

14.A. gave up B. took off C passed away D. pulled through

15. A. start B. finish C. settle D. pack

16. A. thoughts B arrangements C. protest D. words

17. A. lists B. plans C. events D. stress

18. A. supports B. serve C. respect D. love

19. A. friend B. neighbor C. audience D. partner

20. A. talks B. means C. offers D. promotes