2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour reading课时作业 (1)
2017--2018学年人教版必修四Unit 3 A taste of English humour reading课时作业 (1)第2页


  2.解析:选B 解本题可利用设置位置法。显然,该空应填本段的主题句。由本段中的"为了作出改变,你需要决定为什么它很重要"及"一旦你清楚了自己的理由......"等描述可知,你要想清楚为什么要早起,故选B项"找到合适的动机"。本设空类型属于段落主题句类。

  3.解析:选G 解本题可利用词汇锁定法。由空后的bought a coffee maker可锁定G项"重新考虑你用在咖啡馆排队买咖啡的15分钟"。本设空类型属于细节理解题。

  4.解析:选F 解本题可利用句意判断法。由本段首句可知本段主题是"在周末要坚持(执行)你的睡觉和起床时间表",与此主题符合的只有F项"坚持你设定的就寝和起床时间,不管是哪天"。本设空类型属于段落总结类。

  5.解析:选E 解本题可利用关联逻辑法。本段讲的是每周要记录并评价你的计划,如果有效,就继续坚持,如果无效,就看看其他你可以尝试的方法。由空后的If not也可直接锁定E项。本设空类型属于细节理解类。


话题 难度系数 词数 建议用时 人际关系 ☆☆ 296 16′   Two blind children,a boy and a girl,lived long ago in a Canadian village.One day, an old woman came along and said,"I can__1__you,but I will give you one eye between you.You can each use it at__2__times.But handle it with great care and do not leave it lying on the__3__."

  Then the__4__carrying the eye with him went into the forest alone.There he killed a fat deer.But the deer was too__5__for him to carry home by himself.So he__6__home and led his sister to where the deer__7__,and he began to cut up the deer.But they had forgotten to bring a basket.So the boy gave the eye to his sister and let her make a large__8__.

  When she had finished making the basket the boy took the eye and__9__cutting up the meat.Suddenly an__10__occurred to the boy and he asked his sister to cook the meat on the fire for dinner.But she was afraid she would__11__the meat,so she said,"I cannot see to cook.I must have the eye."Because the fire was too low,she__12__the boy to look for some dry__13__.Without the eye he fell to the ground.He called to his sister in__14__,saying,"You always want the eye for yourself.How can I__15__dry wood when I cannot see?Give me the eye at once."Then his sister passed the eye on to him.

Suddenly the girl__16__the meat burning.She shouted,"The meat is burning and our__17__will be spoiled.Give me the eye__18__."The boy was some distance away,and in his anger he__19__the eye to her.Sadly,the eye fell to the ground between them,and neither of them knew where it lay.From then on,they had to live in__20__again.