《302edu发布》江苏省扬州中学2018-2019学年高二下学期开学检测(2月) 英语 Word版含答案
《302edu发布》江苏省扬州中学2018-2019学年高二下学期开学检测(2月) 英语 Word版含答案第3页

during the regular course of business.

A. might never happen B. could never have happened

C. should not happen D. needn't have happened

31. To make an investigation,oneshould go into matters deeply, not just _____.

A. get to the bottom of them B. scratch the surface

  C. cost an arm and a leg D. seek one's fortune

32. The Foreign Secretary's remarks clarify an _____statement issued earlier this week.

A. ambiguous B. ambitious C. arbitrary D. authentic

33. You never really understand a person _____ you consider things from his point of view.

A. if B. once C. until D. once

34. Witnesses say the Gadhafi loyalists have large stockpiles of weapons and bombs and could _____ for a long time.

  A. give out B. cut out C. break out D. hold out

35. --- James has something to do and can't come tonight.

--- Well, _____, for he is a wet blanket.

A. it's very kind of you to say so B. that's a relief

  C. it's none of your business D. that's a problem


  In a recent airing of "Unsolved Mysteries", there was a young boy who was the victim of the mass killing.He'd been 36 in a work camp for several years and 37 had managed to survive the horror of his imprisonment.

The story was of a boy --- now in his sixties --- and his search for an American soldier who had passed on a(n)38 to him by offering some food. It might seem 39 , but to this child, who had seen nothing but 40 and inhumanity for 41 he could remember, it was a 42 that marked a turning point in his life, for he had lost hope .When he was liberated by the American forces, he was 43 . He badly needed food. As he was staggering(踉跄) along the road, a young soldier 44 down from his tank and gave him some of his supplies. 45 this one act of generosity, the kind American had 46 the belief again that there really was some good in the world. And the boy never 47 it. The boy later went to America, raised a family, became successful and worked hard to repay the goodness he had received with his own.

Actually there were so many 48 acts of generosity that it would be almost impossible to know 49 who the soldier was.

We all have a(n)50 : to create more light in the world. As Confucius 51 over 2500 years ago, "It is better to light one small candle than to 52 the darkness."

  As the story above so nicely 53 : small gestures can often generate huge 54 .If we're constantly 55and doing kind acts, we will no doubt bring more joy into the world around us as well as into our own world!

36. A. stationed B. distributed C. placed D. allocated

37. A. somehow B. anyhow C.otherwise D. therefore

38. A. attitude B. commitment C. guarantee D. kindness

39. A. unbelievable B. troublesome C. insignificant D. convenient

40. A. hardship B. cruelty C. severity D. freedom

41. A. as long as B. as good as C. as well as D. as much as