河北省衡水市安平中学2018-2019学年高二上学期第四次月考普通班英语试题 Word版含答案
河北省衡水市安平中学2018-2019学年高二上学期第四次月考普通班英语试题 Word版含答案第4页

 C. Off the Beaten Cart Path. D. Best Weekend Projects.

23. Who may like the book Off the Beaten Curt Path most?

  A. Ladies loving shopping.

  B. Parents with new-born babies.

  C. Husbands wanting to improve their home.

  D. Persons loving traveling in America.

24. What does the passage most probably belong to?

  A. A story. B. A report. C. A notice. D. An advertisement.


  Researchers say bedtime rules may improve a child's development. A new study found better results in four­year­olds who go to bed around the same time every night and sleep at least eleven hours. Getting less than that led to lower abilities in language, reading and early math skills.

  Researchers studied about eight thousand children whose parents took part in the research on early childhood. The parents answered questions by telephone at nine months and again at four years.

  Researcher Erika Gaylor asked parents to follow routines (惯例) like reading books or telling stories to their children. Children who go to bed after nine o'clock took longer to fall asleep and slept less. Children also got less sleep if they did not have bedtime routines.

  A separate study found that more sleep may even make a person run faster. The study was small - seven players in the Stanford University football team. For the study, they aimed for (争取) at least ten hours of sleep each night during the season. After seven to eight weeks of more sleep, the players ran faster in short training races. They also felt less sleepy during the day.

  Stanford sleep researcher Cheri Mah says sleep should be part of a player's training program. This is some of her advice: Adults should try to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Teenagers and young adults should aim for nine hours or more. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. And take brief naps during the day to get more sleep.

25.The underlined "that" in the first paragraph refers to "________".

  A.a bedtime rule  B.a four­year­old child

C.a book D.eleven hours' sleep