2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists learning about language课时作业 (5)
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists learning about language课时作业 (5)第2页

  话题:旅游 难度星级:☆


  Real literary travelers often travel to the birthplace or residence of a writer,or to the setting of a famous scene. We've prepared a small list of literary travel destinations.


  In London,literary landmarks are so common that "blue plaques" are often found on the homes or schools of famous writers. They have been introduced to show well­known literary sites. One can be found at 221B Baker Street-the apartment of famous fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. But watch out for false plaques,such as the Jacob Von Hogflume's,where the inventor of time travel would live in 2189.

  To truly experience literature in person,you can also visit Stratford­upon­Avon,the birthplace of William Shakespeare,and watch nightly performances of his plays.


  "Go to Rome-at once the Paradise,

  The grave,the city,and the wilderness..."

  This is from an elegy(挽歌) to John Keats,who traveled to Rome in the hope that the air would cure his illness but died within three months or so. Despite the fact that Keats' visit was a quick one,Rome has a reminder of it-the Keats­Shelley Memorial House.

  Just across the street is the Antico Caffè Greco,a café frequented by famous authors like Goethe,Byron,Keats...,but you probably get the idea that this is somewhere any literary traveler has to go.

20.According to the passage,true literary travelers are less likely to visit_______.

A.221B Baker Street

B.the Jacob VonHogflume's


D.the Keats­Shelley Memorial House

答案 B

解析 细节理解题。根据文章内容可知,221BBaker Street是小说中的侦探夏洛克·福尔摩斯的公寓地址,Stratford­upon­Avon是莎士比亚的出生地,the Keats­Shelley Memorial House是约翰·济慈曾经到过的地方,这三个地点都与名人有关,是文学旅游者很可能参观的地方;而根据London,England部分中的"watch out for false plaques,such as the Jacob