2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 3 Travel journal grammar课时作业 (6)
2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 3 Travel journal grammar课时作业 (6)第5页

  C.though D.until

  解析: if引导条件句指出一种假设的情况。

  答案: B

  16.A.lost B.fought

  C.doubted D.listened

  解析: 通常,如果作者的父亲告诫你不要做什么,你最终会希望你听了他的。

  答案: D

  17.A.quality B.question

  C.order D.preference

  解析: 勇气是作者的父亲的最让人钦佩的品格。

  答案: A

  18.A.predicted B.believed

  C.judged D.realized

  解析: 直到作者的父亲生病,作者才意识到她的父亲是那么勇敢。

  答案: D

  19.A.connection B.battle

  C.demand D.impression

  解析: 作者读了父亲写的与癌症斗争的经历,才了解到他的勇敢。

  答案: B

  20.A.avoid B.forbid

  C.design D.foresee

  解析: 当作者的父亲知道死亡是不能避免的,他勇敢地面对它。

  答案: A


  A troubled childhood and the fear that she'd give such a childhood to her own kids influenced a major decision for Shanna Dayton-She would not have children.

  Her parents were alcoholics,and her dad was a binge eater (暴食症患者) who spent most of his time outside the home with his friends.When her dad was home,her parents would have violent fights in which her mom would attack him.He'd throw things around the house and punch holes in the walls.The Dayton sisters were never injured.But the intensity of Dayton's experience and another tragedy as an adult made her decide not to bear children.

Her parents fought into her college years,she explained.After graduation,Dayton,then 22,moved in with her future husband.She and her parents didn't talk for seven years.Dayton's