2019学年度人教版必修四Unit 2 SectionⅡLanguage points 课时作业(2页word版)
2019学年度人教版必修四Unit 2 SectionⅡLanguage points 课时作业(2页word版)第2页

  1.Thousands of people are __going hungry__ (挨饿)because of the failure of this year's harvest.

  2.He has been __struggling with/against__ (与......斗争)his illness for many years.

  3.You can __expand your vocabulary__ (扩大词汇量)by reading.

  4.Dr.Yuan is now __circulating knowledge__ (传播知识)in many countries.

  5.We had to borrow some money to __equip our shop__ (装备我们的店).

  6.Dr.Yuan's kind of rice is the most __suitable__ (合适的)for China's farmland.

  7.To avoid __confusion__ (混淆),please write your names on your bags.

  8.Through physical exercise,you can __reduce your weight__ (减少你的体重)by 5 kilograms.

  9.Maybe the plan will not __satisfy everyone__ (使每个人满意).