七上英语《Unit9 My favorite subject is science》练习试卷29
七上英语《Unit9 My favorite subject is science》练习试卷29第4页

Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.

Section A


二、 1. Her favorite subject

2. Why does, like playing ,exciting

3. your science teacher

4. your sister's favorite

5. doesn't like , boring

Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.

Section B

一、1.does, go 2. Her 3. playing 4. does, start 5. twelfth

二、1. on Thursday 2.her favorite subject 3. Chinese history club 4. play with 5.上科学课 6.午饭后 7.到处跑 8.生物老师

三、1. Wednesday 2. tired 3. Tuesday 4.busy 5. any


Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.

Self Check

一、1. Who 2. whose 3. who/ whom 4. whom 5. play 6. play with 7. plays with 8. play 9. in 10. after 11. After 12 later

二、1. Hello 2. subject 3. Why 4. Because 5. very 6. much 7. listen 8. to 9. Really 10. think