【302edu发布】山东省临沂市罗庄区2018-2019学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含答案
【302edu发布】山东省临沂市罗庄区2018-2019学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含答案第2页


6. What is the man probably?

A. A cleaner. B. A policeman. C. A receptionist.

7. Where did the woman last see her bag?

A.At the front desk. B. By her room door. C. At a cleaner's room.


8. What did the man have for lunch yesterday?

 A. Noodles. B. Rice. C. Fried fish.

9. Why didn't the woman buy anything for her family?

A. She was on vacation. B. She forgot. C. She had no time.

10. Who will decide what the family have for lunch today?

 A. The woman. B. The man. C. Tommy.

请听第8段材料,回答第11, 12题

11. What do we know about the woman ?

A. She is not satisfied with the man.

 B. She is always late for work.

 C. She finished her homework in time.

12. What is the relationship between the speakers?

 A. Employer and employee. B. Doctor and patient. C. Waiter and customer.


13. What is the man doing ?

A. Taking notes. B. Signing a document. C. Attending a lecture.

14. When will the man meet a customer?

A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Wednesday.

15. What should the man do next Thursday morning ?

 A. Fly to Canada.

 B. Take a training course.

 C. Have a department meeting.

16. At what time will the produce show end?

 A. 9:00 am. B. 1:00 am. C. 11:00 pm.


17. How long will the listeners stay with their host families?

 A. One month. B. Two months. C. One year.

18. Where will a student named Mary Clinton meet her host family?

 A. In the garden. B. In the hall. C. In the dining room.

19. Which group will meet their host families at the car park?