2019-2020学年人教版选修六Unit 1 Art language points课时作业 (2)
2019-2020学年人教版选修六Unit 1 Art language points课时作业 (2)第2页

  The music style of "China Wind" has become more and more popular thanks to Jay Chou.It has changed the music market in China which used to be full of Western style music.

  "China Wind" is produced by using traditional Chinese instruments and Western instruments.Lyrics may be in the form of Chinese poetry and discuss themes related to Chinese history and culture.Each person has a different understanding of "China Wind",but it gives us a feeling when hearing the music that you can connect it with Chinese cultural elements (元素) and tastes.

  These songs of "China Wind" are of course not the first ones with Chinese style.In the 1980s, there was a "Northwest Wind" blowing in the mainland of China.Several years ago, a singer named Dao Lang with his northwest style music was very popular among Chinese.However,"China Wind" in the present Chinese music field mainly refers to Hong Kong and Taiwan musicians such as Jay Chou, David Tao and Lee­Hom Wang.After years of learning about Western music like R&B and rap, they created a new style of music full of both Western music elements and Chinese music elements.

  "A 'China Wind' song is a must in each of my albums."Jay's promise is to meet the needs of Chinese pop music market at present.Jay's "China Wind" music such as Faraway, Chrysanthemum Terrace always tops the latest music download charts(排行榜).From Wife in his first album to Nunchucks and Dragon Fist,Jay continues to show how rap can be made in Chinese style.

  【语篇解读】 "中国风"对中国流行音乐市场产生了巨大的冲击力。由于它给听众带来了全新的视听效果,所以才会深深扎根于流行乐坛。

  1.The passage mentions Dao Lang in order to explain that .

  A.he was the first person to sing Chinese­style songs

  B.there were other Chinese­style songs before Jay's

  C.he is as important as Jay Chou in music style

  D.there are different kinds of music

B [细节理解题。根据第三段第一句可知,"中国风"并不是最早出现的具