2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 2 Robots learning about language课时作业(7)
2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 2 Robots learning about language课时作业(7)第5页


1-5 CDABD 6-10 ADBAC 11---15 BDBCA


Smart phones influence people's life greatly, causing addictive behaviors, communication problems and distraction in some users. Researchers think there should be a warning before people purchase them or download an app.

In my opinion, people are easily addicted to smart phones for the following reasons. First, nowadays, people are under great pressure, while smart phones provide a platform for them to relax themselves. By playing mini-games, chatting with friends or listening to music on smart phones, people can forget their problems temporarily. Second, there are always something new or interesting in the friend circle of WeChat or blog. Therefore, people are eager to turn on their smart phones, seeing what is happening around them

Time and patience are needed to beat smart phones addiction. We can go outside and communicate with others face to face. What's more important is to form optimistic attitude towards life. It's high time we turned off our smart phones.