2018--2019学年人教版选修八unit 5 meeting your ancestors reading课时作业 (2)
2018--2019学年人教版选修八unit 5 meeting your ancestors reading课时作业 (2)第2页

  __3__ arrangement that stayed in place until the day I __4__ my job to become a stay­at­home mom after our second child was born.

  Last week, I found myself __5__ cleaning the house at :00 pm in my pyjamas (睡衣). I was angry at my __6__ for leaving their sticky and empty bowls on the table. I was angry at my husband for leaving his __7__ beside the laundry basket. I was even angry at the dog for running all over the house. But most of all, I was angry at myself __8__ I hadn't seen any of this coming in order.

  That night, when my husband came home, the house was clean and __9__ was on the table. But I was __10__ angry. My husband and I don't fight often, but we fought at table that night. I __11__ and complained that it wasn't __12__.

  "How long have you felt like this?" he asked me, visibly __13__.

  "It feels like years! Couldn't you __14__?" I replied.

  "You know, you could have just told me about your __15__," he said. "But it's not likely that I can __16__ the office in the middle of the day to do laundry." And he was __17__.

  Is it fair that I do 90 percent of the cooking and cleaning? It may not seem that way in a modern society that __18__ equality between the sexes in all aspects of life. But with the kids in school fulltime and only parttime work to keep me busy, the bulk of the household chores fall on me. I may hate being a __19__, but I do love being home for my kids when they __20__ me.


  C.replaced D.created

  解析:选D 根据下文"We shared the tasks evenly"可知作者跟丈夫"制定"了一个家务分配表。

  2.A.kept B.suggested

  C.hated D.considered

  解析:选C 根据"even though"可知这里是指虽然作者"讨厌"做清洁工作和洗衣服,这些任务还是分配给了她。

  3.A.interesting B.difficult

  C.perfect D.annoying

  解析:选C 根据"that stayed in place until the day"可知这个计划一直在实施,说明这是一个"完美的"安排。

  4.A.found B.lost

C.changed D.quit