2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists learning about language课时作业 (10)
2019-2020学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists learning about language课时作业 (10)第2页

 Jane Austen Centre

Novelist Jane Austen lived with family in Bath between 1801 and 1806. Avid readers of Austen's work know that Bath was a prominent setting in two of her books, Persuasion and Northanger Abbey. The Jane Austen Centre, a three﹣story building on Gay Street has a permanent exhibit and tea room.

The exhibit offers two floors of clothes, anecdotes about what daily life would have been like for Austen in Bath. You can end your wandering with afternoon tea in the third﹣floor Regency Tea Room.

Royal Crescent

This half﹣moon formation of Georgian townhouses is one of Bath's most famous architectural masterpieces, an arc﹣shaped cluster of buildings set behind a green field. The first home, No.1 Royal Crescent, where former Parliament member Henry Sanford lived in the late 1700s, is also a museum. Rooms are furnished in 18th century style, with a glimpse of the upstairs﹣downstairs lifestyle of the era(think Downton Abbey but 150 years earlier).

(1)According to the article, the following aspects of Bath are covered EXCEPT D .

A. history

B. architecture

C. transportation

D. accommodation

(2)Which of the following statement is INCORRECT according to the passage? B 

A. Bath Abbey occupied the site in the 15th century after several historical changes.

B. The Roman Baths are featured by a hot spring water, where you can tour around with the local guide.

C. Two of Jane Austin's books were set in Bath, where she lived for 5 years.

D. The rooms in No.1 Royal Crescent are furnished in 18th century style, resembling that of Downton Abbey.


【解答】1. D 细节理解题.根据文章第一段中"With landmarks from Roman and medieval times, you may feel you've landed back in time"以及第二段中" Even on a mere day trip from London, just 90 minutes away by train, Bath bubbles over with charm."可知,巴斯拥有罗马和中世纪时期的地标,从伦敦坐火车只有90分钟的路程,下文中有提到了巴斯大教堂等著名建筑,由此可知,巴斯的历史、建筑以及交通文章中都有所涉及,但文章并未涉及住宿,故选D.

2. B 细节理解题.根据文章"Roman Baths"这一部分中"The self﹣guided audio tour thoroughly explains how the citizens of Aquae Sulis (the Roman name given to Bath) socialized, worked and worshipped."可知,自动语音导航全程解释,没有当地的导游,由此可知,B选项不正确,故选B.