《302edu发布》河南省实验中学2018-2019学年高一下学期期中考试 英语 Word版含答案(含听力)
《302edu发布》河南省实验中学2018-2019学年高一下学期期中考试 英语 Word版含答案(含听力)第2页

11. What was the driver's taxi number?

 A. JF486375 B. JF436875 C. JF438675

12.What is the man doing?

 A. Expressing his thanks B. Making a complaint C. Making an apology


13.Which part of the computer broke down this time?

 A. The hard drive B. The keyboard C. The mouse

14.What does the man usually do on the computer?

 A. He chats with his friends B. He plays games C. He writes papers

15.What does the woman say about the sale?

 A. The stuff is 50% off

 B. The sale is for used computers

 C. The sale is for computers designed this year.

16.What will the woman do?

 A. Give the man an address

 B. Go to the store with the man

 C. Buy a new computer for the man


17.Who brought the speaker to England?

 A. His father B. His mother C. His grandmother

18. What did the speaker's father do when he turned 14?

 A. He opened a market. B. He had a restaurant C. He moved to Kent

19. What do we know about the speaker's father?

 A. He cared for art B. He hated school C. He was hard-working

20.Where did the speaker study art?

 A. In France B. In England C. In Germany





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