新华学校六年级上unit3 What_color_is_it单元测试题 (1)
新华学校六年级上unit3 What_color_is_it单元测试题 (1)第2页



1.What's this in English?( ) A.The one in blue.

2.Is this a book?( ) B.He's my father.

3.Who's that man?( ) C.It's orange.

4.What color is that orange?( ) D.Yes.it is.

5.How are you?( ) E.It's a map.

6.Which boy is your brother?( ) F.No, it's yellow.

7.What is this?( ) G.It's an orange.

8.Is that jacket black?( ) H.Fine,thank you.


Jane White is an American girl.She is a student.She is fifteen.Her father is Mr.White.Her mother is Mrs.White.Bob is her brother.He is a student.t∞.He is in a black jacket.Jane is in a red jacket.She is a nice girl.

( )1.Jane White is English. ( )2.She is a student.

( )3.Mr. White is her mother. ( )4.Jane is fourteen.

( )5.Jane is Mrs. White's daughter. ( )6.Bob is Jane's brother.

( )7. Jane is Bob's brother. ( )8. Bob is a teacher.

( )9. Jane is in red and Bob is in black.

( )10. Jane is a nice girl.


( ) 1. A. Ee B. Dd C. Bb D. Yy