《302edu发布》重庆市万州二中2020届高三上学期第一次月考试题 英语 Word版无答案(含听力)
《302edu发布》重庆市万州二中2020届高三上学期第一次月考试题 英语 Word版无答案(含听力)第2页

9. Why does the man look different?

  A. He has lost some weight.

  B. He's wearing a new coat.

  C. He's wearing glasses.


10. What can we know from the conversation?

  A. The woman got her ideas from a cookbook.

  B. The man is probably a regular customer.

  C. The man has never been to the shop before.

11. What desserts does the man choose to buy?

  A. Lemon pie and strawberry cake.

  B. Strawberry cake and green tea cupcake.

  C. Green tea cupcake and lemon pie.

12. How much should the man pay in total?

  A. $3. B. $4. C. $7.


13. Where does the conversation probably take place?

  A. In an office. B. In a shop. C. In an apartment.

14. What did the man do in his last job?

  A. A car salesman B. A clothing designer. C. An English teacher.

15. How does the man learn things about his new career?

  A. Through the Internet. B. From his friend. C. From college books.

16. What's the man's advice to the woman in the end?

  A. Deciding what she likes to do.

  B. Finding information about writing.

  C. Being confident about herself.


17. Where is Loch Ness?

  A. In Scotland. B. In England. C. In Northern Ireland.

18. What's the most well-known theory about Nessie?

  A. It's a survived dinosaur.

  B. It's a genetically altered monster.

  C. It's an undiscovered large fish.

19. What does the professor think of Nessie's stories?

  A. It's very convincing. B. It's not true. C. It needs more proof.

20. What does the speaker mainly talk about?

  A. Scientists trying to uncover the Nessie mystery.

  B. How the stories of Nessie coming into being.

  C. A professor's new discoveries about Nessie.