安徽省合肥市第九中学2018-2019高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案
安徽省合肥市第九中学2018-2019高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 Word版含答案第4页

A. At a gym. B. At a bank. C. At a shop. D. At a hotel.


  My daughter, Fiona, and her family had a beautiful nine-year-old golden retriever(猎犬), Sunny. Fiona's in-laws lived in New Zealand and every time the family went over to visit them, we had to take care of the dog. Fiona would also leave her car at our place, parked right where Sunny could see it. As long as the dog could check that the car was still there, which he did regularly, he was happy. Sunny knew from past experience that if the car was there, the family would come back. Each time they did it, I jokingly told them not to bother picking up Sunny because he was a joy to have around.

  Sunny was beautiful with the family, and when an unexpected baby came along --- 17 years after her older sister --- Sunny was lovely and gentle with her.

In April 2017 we learned that the family was relocating to New Zealand. Realizing the bond that existed between them and Sunny, I knew they would want to take him. But with limited finances they found it too expensive to take their much-loved dog. So we adopted him.

  Their car, yet to be sold, was parked at our side gate and Sunny kept watching over it, checking on it each day before going for a walk. I think it was his security blanket. Then, a few months later, when the car was finally sold, poor Sunny had to adapt to losing yet another part of his family.

With the car gone, Sunny discovered that cats visit the area and this has held his interest (though not as much as the car!). We've had a few problems, but Sunny has now settled in very well and is far better trained than any of our previous dogs. Sunny is lovely company and has been a beautiful addition to our family.

24. Why did Fiona park her car at her parents' house every time she went to visit her relatives in New Zealand?

A. Because Sunny took great interest in watching it.

B. Because it was another part of Sunny's family.

C. Because to Sunny it meant the family would come back.

D. Because it was Sunny's hobby before going for a walk.

25. What can we learn from the text?

A. Fiona once joked about attending to Sunny.

B. The family had two kids with a huge age difference.

C. Cats could hold Sunny's attention as well as the car did.

D. The family moved to New Zealand with their beloved dog.

26. What does the underlined phrase "security blanket" mean?

A. a toy to comfort crying kids B. something to reduce anger

C. a blanket to make you feel safe D. a measure to provide protection