辽宁省葫芦岛市第一高级中学2017-2018学年高二下学期拓展训练英语试题5 Word版缺答案
辽宁省葫芦岛市第一高级中学2017-2018学年高二下学期拓展训练英语试题5 Word版缺答案第2页

  But why did she suddenly stop reading? The last translation in my paperback appears on Page 83,less than a third of the way through the novel.Did she give up because the book was proving too difficult? Or was there some other reason?

  Many a novel presents mysteries,all of which are solved by the end of the tale.The mysteries presented by my little paperback,however,remain mysteries,all expertly put into a well-structured story,not by a skillful writer,but this time by the numberless vagaries(变幻莫测)of life itself.

32.What can we learn about the novel?

 A.It is well written. B.It is about a world trip.

 C.It was written in an American restaurant. D.It was first published in the 19th century.

33.The author assumes the Japanese owner of the book was a woman based on_______.

 A.the pretty handwriting B.the food written on the receipt

 C.the good condition of the book D.the effort taken in writing the notes

34.Which of the following can best describe the author?

 A.He is a great reader of historical fiction. B.He is a hard-working university student.

 C.He is a productive writer with sensibility. D.He is a careful observer with imagination.

35.What's the best title of the text?

 A.The Tale of a Paperback B.Different Life Experiences

 C.Unsolved Mysteries of Life D.A Book's Exciting Adventure