【302edu解析】北京市昌平区2019届高三上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含解析
【302edu解析】北京市昌平区2019届高三上学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含解析第4页

  peace and silence of the place began to ____19____ my mind.

  When we stopped, I took a deep breath in ___20___.

  From the top of the mountain were rivers of flowers in bloom. A mix of ___21___from white to lemon to red - unfolded like a carpet before us. At the center was a waterfall of purple flowers and here and there were coral-colored ones. And western bluebirds flew ____22____ the heads of the flowers happily.

  A series of ____23____ came to my mind. Who created such beauty? How? When?

  As we approached home, we saw a sign that read: "I ____24____ Answers to Your Questions."

  The first answer was: "One Woman-Two Hands, Two Feet, and Very Little Brain." The second was: "One at a Time." The third: "____25____ in 1958."

  As we drove home, I was so ____26____ by what we had seen, I could hardly speak. "She changed the world," I ____27____ said, "one flower at a time. She took her first step almost 60 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, but she kept at it."

  "Imagine," I said, "if I'd had a(n) ____28____ like her and worked at it, just a little bit every day, what might I have ____29____?"

  Carolyn looked at me, smiling. "Start tomorrow," she said. " ____30____ yet, start today."

11. A. back B. bottom C. top D. corner

12. A. unwilling B. unable C. unlucky D. unfit

13. A. rain B. snow C. storm D. fog

14. A. announced B. criticized C. suggested D. complained

15. A. much B. many C. fast D. far

16. A. excitedly B. calmly C. nervously D. anxiously

17. A. checked B. looked C. got D. dropped

18. A. floated B. streamed C. towered D. skipped

19. A. empty B. fill C. disturb D. control

20. A. embarrassment B. amazement C. disappointment D. amusement

21. A. materials B. patterns C. colors D. shapes

22. A. over B. through C. within D. along

23. A. predictions B. decisions C. imaginations D. questions

24. A. Understand B. Know C. Doubt D. Forget