安徽省安庆市五校联盟2019届高三下学期开学考试英语试卷 Word版缺答案
安徽省安庆市五校联盟2019届高三下学期开学考试英语试卷 Word版缺答案第4页

22.Compared with the other two apps,which of the following features make

Line stand out?

A. Group mobile games. B. Free stickers and emoticons.

C. Free download of the app. D. Text and group chat.

  23.One of the popular features of WhatsApp is that users ______ .

A. can send and receive messages for free

B. can enjoy live video chats within groups

C. don't need to worry about unwanted ads

D. regularly set free stickers and emoticons


 While many people dream of mermaids(美人鱼),few people actually try to become one. How can someone become a mermaid if they don't exist? Just ask Dana Richardson, who is a professional mermaid in Hawaii!

"As a child, I always felt very connected to the ocean and played mermaids in the water," says Dana. "My love of the ocean took me to different types of work such as a lifeguard, swim instructor, boat crew member, underwater photographer, boat captain and surfer. I just decided to take it to the next level and grow a tail."

 Dana doesn't mean literally(照字面地). In 2008 she began making mermaid tails from materials including shiny fabric(织物)that she wears while free-diving in the waters around Kona, Hawaii. Free-diving means diving without any protective equipment. It requires you to hold your breath while swimming deep underwater. As she dives in, Dana not only like a mermaid; she experiences what it is like to swim like one too.

 The waters around Dana's home in Kona are filled with wildlife, including dolphins and whales. Kona is by a sheltered sea where the waters are calm for swimming. For ten years Dana has been swimming with the creatures of Kona. Some of them have even learned to recognize her.

 Dana knows how to swim with sea life because she is a trained marine naturalist. She understands the behavior of sea life and knows how to safely interact with it. Every morning when she swims with sea life she gets to experience her other"home"."The ocean beneath the depths really is another world. Watching how the world works so gracefully in the circle of life underwater is a beautiful thing."

 For Dana Richardson being a mermaid just makes sense. "I always felt more comfortable underwater than on land," she says.

Would you like to follow your dream, even if it seems impossible?Dana Richardson reminds everyone,"One person can truly make a difference. By following