2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the Sea using language课时作业(7)
2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 3 Under the Sea using language课时作业(7)第2页

10.A.attend B.pass C.skip D.observe

12.A.eventually B.naturally C.directly D.normally

13.A.game B.presentation C.course D.experiment

14.A.criterion B.classroom C.department D.situation

15.A.taught B.wrote C.questioned D.promised

16.A.fact B.step C.manner D.skill

18.A.analyze B.describe C.rebuild D.control

19.A.announce B.signal C.block D.evaluate

20.A.role B.desire C.concern D.behavior


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.A 

第二节 阅读理解

  Steven Stein likes to follow garbage trucks. His strange habit makes sense when you consider that he's an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter, including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road. What is even more interesting is that one of Stein's jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bag.

  Americans use more than 100 billion thin film plastic bags every year. So many end up in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts(收银台). The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California, including Los Angeles. Eyeing these headwinds, plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people assume.

Among the bag makers' arguments:many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce