辽宁省沈阳市第一七O中学2019-2020年高一上学期阶段性测试英语试卷 Word版含答案
辽宁省沈阳市第一七O中学2019-2020年高一上学期阶段性测试英语试卷 Word版含答案第2页

1. What type of writing is the passage?

A. An advertisement. B. An activity summary.

C. An announcement. D. An exhibition guide.

2. What should you do to ride with your kids safely?

A. Warn them not to cycle on broken roads. B. Be clear about your own riding skills.

C. Know what the danger in store is. D. Register for an adult lesson first.

3. When you choose a bike for your kid, __________.

A. you should ask the opinion of the instructor B. you must buy a helmet as well

C. quality is the first thing to consider D. it's necessary to consider the size


  Supermarket giant Tesco is putting £15 million into a "field to fork" project to take a million primary school kids around farms and factories and show them where meat produces and dairy products come from.

  The Eat Happy Project comes as research showed a fifth of 5-to-11-year-olds think of carrot cake or tomato ketchup(番茄酱) as their five fruits and vegetables a day. Worryingly, one in five believe chicken is the main ingredient in fish fingers(炸鱼条) yet nine out of 10 think they know which food is good for them.

  Chris Bush said, "There is a gap(间隙), not just in the knowledge our children carry with them but in the basic relationship they have with food." Supermarkets and the food industry have been to blame for childhood obesity(肥胖).

  Mr. Bush said Eat Happy is "a contribution, not a magic bullet, I am also realistic that some people will challenge us to have a more immediate influence by stopping selling unhealthy alternatives which children find attractive. I don't think that is a lasting solution. We will create the healthy habits of a lifetime."

   Eat Happy will take children behind the scenes to see how vegetable is grown, bread is baked, cheese and butter is made as well as seeing cows being milked. Schools who are unable to take children on farm, factory or store outings will be able to enjoy a virtual(虚拟的) field trip using Google's Connected Classroom technology which will let them talk to UK farmers as well as growers around the world.

Parents, schools and food retailers(零售商) and manufacturers all have a responsibility to make sure our children are eating healthy, nutritious food. Being overweight from an early age puts our children at an enormous disadvantage from the