
Keats s __35__ the last three years of his life writing a lot of beautiful poems. But he didn't have a happy life at that time. In fact, he got seriously sick, and couldn't get m __36__ to the girl he loved. He still wrote about love and beautiful t __37__ in his poems. These poems made many sad people h __38__. One of his f__39__ poems is about fall. In this poem Keats showed his love for this world even in his bad health. Keats d __40__ at the young age of twenty-five. But people will remember Keats and his poems for ever.

II. 书面表达。(15分)

时下,在一些农村地区,麻雀仍被看作是"害鸟(harmful birds)",遭到大量捕杀,以致数量急剧减少。事实上,麻雀吃虫子(worm)对农作物有益处。假设你是Zhang Tao,请你给电视台"Animal World"节目组编辑写一封信,让节目组告诉人们真相,保护麻雀。文章不少于80 词,开头、结尾已给出。

Dear editor

I am a loyal audience of the programme

Animal World. _______________________________________________





Wish your programme be better.


Zhang Tao