2019--2020学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists Grammar课时作业 (7)
2019--2020学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists Grammar课时作业 (7)第3页

  moving out of the province, reducing their hours of practice, or dying.

  The primary care system is showing its cracks. Ten years ago, 2,030 of BC's family doctors were providing obstetrical(产科的) care. Today just 945 are performing this invaluable service. Although delivering babies is a "good news" area of medicine, the hours are long, but the reward for bringing new life into the world is modest. It's no surprise, then, that many of BC's family doctors are no longer taking on new patients. In 1999, there were 1, 420 family doctors accepting new patients-in 2004 that number declined to 599, a drop of 58%.

  The foundation of primary care needs to be strengthened.The Working Agreement between the doctors and the government includes a series of primary care renewal projects designed to make the family practice more attractive to medical graduates, improve upon working conditions, and entice family doctors from outside BC to start their business here. Yet still more needs to be done.

  【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了加拿大家庭医生严重缺乏的问题。

  4.What makes medical students unwilling to be family physicians?

  A.The student debt and long working hours.

  B.Long term of study at a medical school.

  C.A limited number of places in the medical school.

  D.An increasing number of patients and long waiting lists for specialists.

  A 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句"When asked why they lack interest in family medicine, the students cite(援引) a heavy student debt load and the long hours required of a doctor who is managing the family practice."可知, 学生债务负担和工作时间长成为阻碍医科学生选择成为家庭医生的两大障碍,故选A。

  5.What does the text say about family doctors in BC?

  A.They are no longer needed.

  B.They are too few in number.

  C.They will soon become abundant.

  D.They are rapidly leaving the province.

B 解析:细节理解题。根据第四段第二、三句"Ten years ago, 2,030 of BC's family doctors were providing obstetrical(产科的) care.Today just 945 are performing this invaluable service.", 并结合本段最后一句"In 1999, there were 1,420 family doctors accepting new patients-in 2004 that number declined to 599, a drop of 58%."可知, 在BC,家庭医生的数量在急剧下降, 缺口很大, 故选B。