【302edu发布】山东省临沂市罗庄区2018-2019学年高二上学期1月月考英语试题 Word版含答案
【302edu发布】山东省临沂市罗庄区2018-2019学年高二上学期1月月考英语试题 Word版含答案第4页

 B. provide assistance for the project manager

C. provide service for the project in Chongqing

D. be responsible for customer service for students and parents

Earlier this week, 23 robots from all over the world competed in Pomona, California, for a $ 2 million prize in the DARPA Robotics Challenge. Teams have been working on these robots for three years-their challenge was to build a robot that can aid in disaster. The rules are simple-each robot has one hour to score eight points for various tasks, which include driving a car, opening a door.

Every team has people in a separate garage, sitting around big screens and controlling their own robots. Across the garage stands Carnegie Mellon's bright red robot, CHIMP. "It has arms and hands but it's different in the sense that it doesn't walk to get around; it rolls around on these tracks," says Tony Stentz, team leader of team Tartan Rescue. "CHIMP can go from upright to all-fours in just a few seconds. Weighing in at around 440 pounds, it seems certain to win in the competition," he said.

During the early drive, CHIMP almost went into the road block. It was slow getting out of the car, but once it made it out, and opened the door, it dropped to the ground in the doorway. For all the other teams, a fall means that humans have to step in and get the robot back on its feet. But about five minutes later, CHIMP got back without any help.

The team didn't get any points for that move, but recovering from a fall would come in pretty handy in a disaster area. And CHIMP still completes all the tasks in under an hour. "What a bang-up job!" Stentz said as he received handshakes and high-fives from the crowd.

Though CHIMP was clearly the winner on the first day of finals, it ran into lots of trouble on the second day and ended up coming in third place overall. Team KAIST, from South Korea, took the $2 million prize; Florida-based Team IHMC Robotics came in second and won $1 million. "After two days, hopefully we're all a step closer to making humans safer after disaster," added Tony Stenz.

24.What can we learn from Paragraph 1?

A.The robots are worth $ 2 million in total.

B.The robots are required to complete several jobs.

C.The competitors are from 23 different countries.

D.The robots are able to think for themselves.

25.What did CHIMP do during the competition?

A.Scored eight points. B.Beat Team KAIST.

C.Fell down suddenly. D.Kept moving on all fours.

26.What does the underlined word "bang-up" in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.dangerous B.difficult C.temporary D.great


A new program encouraging children ages 9 to 12 to get interested in computers,